So’zlashuv kitobi

uz In the city   »   em In the city

25 [yigirma besh]

In the city

In the city

25 [twenty-five]

In the city

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
Men vokzalga bormoqchiman. I-wo-ld----e-to--o--o -h- --at--n. I would like to go to the station. I w-u-d l-k- t- g- t- t-e s-a-i-n- ---------------------------------- I would like to go to the station. 0
Men aeroportga bormoqchiman. I---u-----ke to ----o the ----o-t. I would like to go to the airport. I w-u-d l-k- t- g- t- t-e a-r-o-t- ---------------------------------- I would like to go to the airport. 0
Men shahar markaziga bormoqchiman. I -o-ld li-------- -- -h--cit--ce--re /--e--e- (am.-. I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.). I w-u-d l-k- t- g- t- t-e c-t- c-n-r- / c-n-e- (-m-)- ----------------------------------------------------- I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.). 0
Temiryol stansiyasiga qanday otsam boladi? Ho--do I---t ---the--tatio-? How do I get to the station? H-w d- I g-t t- t-e s-a-i-n- ---------------------------- How do I get to the station? 0
Aeroportga qanday borish mumkin? Ho- -o I-get----th----rp-rt? How do I get to the airport? H-w d- I g-t t- t-e a-r-o-t- ---------------------------- How do I get to the airport? 0
Shahar markaziga qanday borish mumkin? H----o ---e--t- -----i----ent-e-- c--t-- (--.-? How do I get to the city centre / center (am.)? H-w d- I g-t t- t-e c-t- c-n-r- / c-n-e- (-m-)- ----------------------------------------------- How do I get to the city centre / center (am.)? 0
Menga taksi kerak. I ne-d-a tax-. I need a taxi. I n-e- a t-x-. -------------- I need a taxi. 0
Menga shahar xaritasi kerak. I n--d a-ci-- -a-. I need a city map. I n-e- a c-t- m-p- ------------------ I need a city map. 0
menga mehmonxona kerak I---e- a hotel. I need a hotel. I n-e- a h-t-l- --------------- I need a hotel. 0
Men mashina ijaraga olmoqchiman. I w---d l-ke-----en----c--. I would like to rent a car. I w-u-d l-k- t- r-n- a c-r- --------------------------- I would like to rent a car. 0
Mana mening kredit kartam. H-r- i---- --e--t ca--. Here is my credit card. H-r- i- m- c-e-i- c-r-. ----------------------- Here is my credit card. 0
Mana mening haydovchilik guvohnomam. Here -s-my-l-c--c- / li-e-s- ----). Here is my licence / license (am.). H-r- i- m- l-c-n-e / l-c-n-e (-m-)- ----------------------------------- Here is my licence / license (am.). 0
Shaharda nimani korish kerak? Wh------th-re-to ------ -he -i-y? What is there to see in the city? W-a- i- t-e-e t- s-e i- t-e c-t-? --------------------------------- What is there to see in the city? 0
Eski shaharga boring. G- to-t-e --d---t-. Go to the old city. G- t- t-e o-d c-t-. ------------------- Go to the old city. 0
Shaharga sayohat qiling. G- o--a c--- ----. Go on a city tour. G- o- a c-t- t-u-. ------------------ Go on a city tour. 0
Portga boring. Go t- th---a-bo-r /-h-r-or-----). Go to the harbour / harbor (am.). G- t- t-e h-r-o-r / h-r-o- (-m-)- --------------------------------- Go to the harbour / harbor (am.). 0
Portga sayohat qiling. Go o--a ha-bo-r --ha-bo- (-m.- t--r. Go on a harbour / harbor (am.) tour. G- o- a h-r-o-r / h-r-o- (-m-) t-u-. ------------------------------------ Go on a harbour / harbor (am.) tour. 0
Yana qanday diqqatga sazovor joylar bor? Ar- th-----ny-o--e----ace- -- -nt----t? Are there any other places of interest? A-e t-e-e a-y o-h-r p-a-e- o- i-t-r-s-? --------------------------------------- Are there any other places of interest? 0


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