So’zlashuv kitobi

uz Restoranda 2   »   em At the restaurant 2

30 [ottiz]

Restoranda 2

Restoranda 2

30 [thirty]

At the restaurant 2

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
Iltimos, bitta olma sharbati. An ap----ju--e, ---ase. A_ a____ j_____ p______ A- a-p-e j-i-e- p-e-s-. ----------------------- An apple juice, please. 0
Limonad, iltimos. A---m--a-e--pl-as-. A l________ p______ A l-m-n-d-, p-e-s-. ------------------- A lemonade, please. 0
Pomidor sharbati, iltimos. A t----o juice---l---e. A t_____ j_____ p______ A t-m-t- j-i-e- p-e-s-. ----------------------- A tomato juice, please. 0
Men bir qadah qizil sharob istayman. I---l--e-a-glas--of-r-d -i-e. I__ l___ a g____ o_ r__ w____ I-d l-k- a g-a-s o- r-d w-n-. ----------------------------- I’d like a glass of red wine. 0
Men bir qadah oq sharob istayman. I’--l-ke a-gl-s- of w---e ----. I__ l___ a g____ o_ w____ w____ I-d l-k- a g-a-s o- w-i-e w-n-. ------------------------------- I’d like a glass of white wine. 0
Menga bir shisha gazlangan sharob kerak. I’--l-k--- ----l- ---ch-----ne. I__ l___ a b_____ o_ c_________ I-d l-k- a b-t-l- o- c-a-p-g-e- ------------------------------- I’d like a bottle of champagne. 0
Sizga baliq yoqadimi? D- --u lik--fis-? D_ y__ l___ f____ D- y-u l-k- f-s-? ----------------- Do you like fish? 0
sizga mol goshti yoqadimi Do you l--- b-e-? D_ y__ l___ b____ D- y-u l-k- b-e-? ----------------- Do you like beef? 0
chochqa goshtini yoqtirasizmi Do------i-e-----? D_ y__ l___ p____ D- y-u l-k- p-r-? ----------------- Do you like pork? 0
Men goshtsiz biror narsa xohlayman. I’--li----o-----n- w--h-ut --at. I__ l___ s________ w______ m____ I-d l-k- s-m-t-i-g w-t-o-t m-a-. -------------------------------- I’d like something without meat. 0
Men sabzavotli lagan istayman. I-d-li---s-m- mi--d---getabl-s. I__ l___ s___ m____ v__________ I-d l-k- s-m- m-x-d v-g-t-b-e-. ------------------------------- I’d like some mixed vegetables. 0
Men uzoq davom etmaydigan narsani xohlayman. I’-----e som-t--ng-t--t -o--t ta-e-much-t-me. I__ l___ s________ t___ w____ t___ m___ t____ I-d l-k- s-m-t-i-g t-a- w-n-t t-k- m-c- t-m-. --------------------------------------------- I’d like something that won’t take much time. 0
Buni guruch bilan xohlaysizmi? Wou-d y-u--i---that--i-h -ic-? W____ y__ l___ t___ w___ r____ W-u-d y-u l-k- t-a- w-t- r-c-? ------------------------------ Would you like that with rice? 0
Buni makaron bilan xohlaysizmi? Wo-ld y-u-li-e -ha- -i---pas--? W____ y__ l___ t___ w___ p_____ W-u-d y-u l-k- t-a- w-t- p-s-a- ------------------------------- Would you like that with pasta? 0
Buni kartoshka bilan xohlaysizmi? W-----yo- l--e -h-t--ith po------? W____ y__ l___ t___ w___ p________ W-u-d y-u l-k- t-a- w-t- p-t-t-e-? ---------------------------------- Would you like that with potatoes? 0
Bu yaxshi tamga ega emas. T-a- do-sn-t t-----go-d. T___ d______ t____ g____ T-a- d-e-n-t t-s-e g-o-. ------------------------ That doesn’t taste good. 0
Ovqat sovuq. Th- -ood -s co--. T__ f___ i_ c____ T-e f-o- i- c-l-. ----------------- The food is cold. 0
Men buni buyurmaganman. I-d-dn’---rd-r th--. I d_____ o____ t____ I d-d-’- o-d-r t-i-. -------------------- I didn’t order this. 0


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