So’zlashuv kitobi

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37 [ottiz yetti]

En route

En route

37 [thirty-seven]

En route

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
U mototsikl minadi. He dri-e--a motor----. He drives a motorbike. H- d-i-e- a m-t-r-i-e- ---------------------- He drives a motorbike. 0
U velosipedda yuradi. H- -ides-- bic---e. He rides a bicycle. H- r-d-s a b-c-c-e- ------------------- He rides a bicycle. 0
U yuradi. H--wa--s. He walks. H- w-l-s- --------- He walks. 0
U kemada ketadi. He------b- -h--. He goes by ship. H- g-e- b- s-i-. ---------------- He goes by ship. 0
U qayiqda yuradi. H- go-s -y--oa-. He goes by boat. H- g-e- b- b-a-. ---------------- He goes by boat. 0
U suzadi. H--sw--s. He swims. H- s-i-s- --------- He swims. 0
Bu yer xavflimi? Is--t-d-nge-o---h---? Is it dangerous here? I- i- d-n-e-o-s h-r-? --------------------- Is it dangerous here? 0
Yolgiz avtostopda yurish xavflimi? I- -t -an-e-o-s-----itc--i-- al---? Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? I- i- d-n-e-o-s t- h-t-h-i-e a-o-e- ----------------------------------- Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? 0
Kechasi sayrga chiqish xavflimi? I--it---nge--us----g- --- --wa-k---------? Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? I- i- d-n-e-o-s t- g- f-r a w-l- a- n-g-t- ------------------------------------------ Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? 0
Biz yoqoldik. We-got---s-. We got lost. W- g-t l-s-. ------------ We got lost. 0
Biz notogri yoldamiz. W-’-e o--t-e --o-g ro-d. We’re on the wrong road. W-’-e o- t-e w-o-g r-a-. ------------------------ We’re on the wrong road. 0
Biz orqaga qaytishimiz kerak. W--mus--t----a-o-n-. We must turn around. W- m-s- t-r- a-o-n-. -------------------- We must turn around. 0
Bu yerda qayerda toxtash mumkin? Whe-e ca---ne park-he--? Where can one park here? W-e-e c-n o-e p-r- h-r-? ------------------------ Where can one park here? 0
Bu yerda avtoturargoh bormi? Is -h-re----arking-l-t-here? Is there a parking lot here? I- t-e-e a p-r-i-g l-t h-r-? ---------------------------- Is there a parking lot here? 0
Bu yerda qancha vaqt toxtash mumkin? H---l-n--c-- one---rk--e-e? How long can one park here? H-w l-n- c-n o-e p-r- h-r-? --------------------------- How long can one park here? 0
Siz changi uchasizmi? Do y-u-s--? Do you ski? D- y-u s-i- ----------- Do you ski? 0
Siz changi liftida tepaga chiqasizmi? Do y-- --ke t-e---i-l-f--to t-- to-? Do you take the ski lift to the top? D- y-u t-k- t-e s-i l-f- t- t-e t-p- ------------------------------------ Do you take the ski lift to the top? 0
Bu yerda changi ijaraga olasizmi? Ca----e rent--k-s h-re? Can one rent skis here? C-n o-e r-n- s-i- h-r-? ----------------------- Can one rent skis here? 0


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