So’zlashuv kitobi

uz avtomobil buzilishi   »   en Car breakdown

39 [ottiz toqqiz]

avtomobil buzilishi

avtomobil buzilishi

39 [thirty-nine]

Car breakdown

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (UK) O’ynang Ko’proq
Eng yaqin AYOQSH qayerda? W-e----s-th-----t gas -t--i-n? W____ i_ t__ n___ g__ s_______ W-e-e i- t-e n-x- g-s s-a-i-n- ------------------------------ Where is the next gas station? 0
Gildirak chiqib ketdi. I h--- a-flat -yr--- ti-- -am--. I h___ a f___ t___ / t___ (_____ I h-v- a f-a- t-r- / t-r- (-m-)- -------------------------------- I have a flat tyre / tire (am.). 0
Gildirakni ozgartira olasizmi? C-----u ---ng--t-- ty-e---------a-.-? C__ y__ c_____ t__ t___ / t___ (_____ C-n y-u c-a-g- t-e t-r- / t-r- (-m-)- ------------------------------------- Can you change the tyre / tire (am.)? 0
Menga bir necha litr dizel kerak. I---------e- -it--- / -----s-(--.) o--d-ese-. I n___ a f__ l_____ / l_____ (____ o_ d______ I n-e- a f-w l-t-e- / l-t-r- (-m-) o- d-e-e-. --------------------------------------------- I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel. 0
Menda benzin tugadi. I -a---no--ore -et-ol-/-g-s --m.). I h___ n_ m___ p_____ / g__ (_____ I h-v- n- m-r- p-t-o- / g-s (-m-)- ---------------------------------- I have no more petrol / gas (am.). 0
Sizda zaxira kanistr bormi? D- -ou-h-ve---pe-r-- ca--/ j-r---can-/ -a- -a- ----)? D_ y__ h___ a p_____ c__ / j____ c__ / g__ c__ (_____ D- y-u h-v- a p-t-o- c-n / j-r-y c-n / g-s c-n (-m-)- ----------------------------------------------------- Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)? 0
Qayerga qongiroq qilishim mumkin? Wher- -an-- ---e-a-c--l? W____ c__ I m___ a c____ W-e-e c-n I m-k- a c-l-? ------------------------ Where can I make a call? 0
Menga tortish xizmati kerak. I-n-ed-a---w-n- --rv--e. I n___ a t_____ s_______ I n-e- a t-w-n- s-r-i-e- ------------------------ I need a towing service. 0
Men ustaxona qidiryapman. I-m---ok-----o-----ar--e. I__ l______ f__ a g______ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a g-r-g-. ------------------------- I’m looking for a garage. 0
Baxtsiz hodisa yuz berdi. A- -cc------ha- oc---re-. A_ a_______ h__ o________ A- a-c-d-n- h-s o-c-r-e-. ------------------------- An accident has occurred. 0
Eng yaqin telefon qayerda? W-ere is---e-n-a-es- -elep-one? W____ i_ t__ n______ t_________ W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t t-l-p-o-e- ------------------------------- Where is the nearest telephone? 0
Sizda mobil telefon bormi? D--you------a-m--il- --c--l-pho---(-m----i-h-y--? D_ y__ h___ a m_____ / c___ p____ (____ w___ y___ D- y-u h-v- a m-b-l- / c-l- p-o-e (-m-) w-t- y-u- ------------------------------------------------- Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? 0
Bizga yordam kerak. W----ed-----. W_ n___ h____ W- n-e- h-l-. ------------- We need help. 0
Doktorni chaqiring! C--l----o-tor! C___ a d______ C-l- a d-c-o-! -------------- Call a doctor! 0
Politsiyani chaqiring! Ca-l-t-e--o-ice! C___ t__ p______ C-l- t-e p-l-c-! ---------------- Call the police! 0
Iltimos, hujjatlaringiz. Yo-r pa----, -----e. Y___ p______ p______ Y-u- p-p-r-, p-e-s-. -------------------- Your papers, please. 0
Haydovchilik guvohnomangiz, iltimos. You---i-e-ce-/-l---n-e-(--.)- ----se. Y___ l______ / l______ (_____ p______ Y-u- l-c-n-e / l-c-n-e (-m-)- p-e-s-. ------------------------------------- Your licence / license (am.), please. 0
Litsenziyangiz, iltimos. Y-u---e--s---tio---p--a-e. Y___ r____________ p______ Y-u- r-g-s-r-t-o-, p-e-s-. -------------------------- Your registration, please. 0


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