So’zlashuv kitobi

uz In the swimming pool   »   em In the swimming pool

50 [ellik]

In the swimming pool

In the swimming pool

50 [fifty]

In the swimming pool

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
Bugun issiq. I---- h-t t-d-y. It is hot today. I- i- h-t t-d-y- ---------------- It is hot today. 0
basseynga boramizmi? Sha-l ---go ---t-e--wim-i-- po-l? Shall we go to the swimming pool? S-a-l w- g- t- t-e s-i-m-n- p-o-? --------------------------------- Shall we go to the swimming pool? 0
Suzishga bormoqchimisiz? Do-yo--fe-l -ike-s-imming? Do you feel like swimming? D- y-u f-e- l-k- s-i-m-n-? -------------------------- Do you feel like swimming? 0
sochiq bormi Do--o- h--e a to-el? Do you have a towel? D- y-u h-v- a t-w-l- -------------------- Do you have a towel? 0
sizda suzish mayolari bormi Do-you -a---sw--ming --un--? Do you have swimming trunks? D- y-u h-v- s-i-m-n- t-u-k-? ---------------------------- Do you have swimming trunks? 0
chomilish kostyumingiz bormi D--y-u ha-e-- -a-h-n--su-t? Do you have a bathing suit? D- y-u h-v- a b-t-i-g s-i-? --------------------------- Do you have a bathing suit? 0
Suza olasizmi? Can -o--s-im? Can you swim? C-n y-u s-i-? ------------- Can you swim? 0
Siz shongishingiz mumkinmi? Can--ou d---? Can you dive? C-n y-u d-v-? ------------- Can you dive? 0
suvga sakrash mumkinmi? C-n-yo----mp -- -he --t--? Can you jump in the water? C-n y-u j-m- i- t-e w-t-r- -------------------------- Can you jump in the water? 0
dush qayerda W--re--- --- sh--er? Where is the shower? W-e-e i- t-e s-o-e-? -------------------- Where is the shower? 0
Kiyib koriladigan xona qaysi? W-ere--s -h--ch-----g -oom? Where is the changing room? W-e-e i- t-e c-a-g-n- r-o-? --------------------------- Where is the changing room? 0
Suzish uchun kozoynaklar qayerda? W-e-e---e th- -w-mm--- g-----s? Where are the swimming goggles? W-e-e a-e t-e s-i-m-n- g-g-l-s- ------------------------------- Where are the swimming goggles? 0
suv chuqurdir Is-t-e--a-e- -e--? Is the water deep? I- t-e w-t-r d-e-? ------------------ Is the water deep? 0
suv toza Is ----wa----cle-n? Is the water clean? I- t-e w-t-r c-e-n- ------------------- Is the water clean? 0
suv issiq Is t-e -a-e--w--m? Is the water warm? I- t-e w-t-r w-r-? ------------------ Is the water warm? 0
Men muzlab qoldim. I--m f--ezi-g. I am freezing. I a- f-e-z-n-. -------------- I am freezing. 0
Suv juda sovuq. The -a-----s too ---d. The water is too cold. T-e w-t-r i- t-o c-l-. ---------------------- The water is too cold. 0
Men hozir suvdan chiqyapman. I -m ge--i----u- -f -h- --t------. I am getting out of the water now. I a- g-t-i-g o-t o- t-e w-t-r n-w- ---------------------------------- I am getting out of the water now. 0


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