So’zlashuv kitobi

uz kerak - istayman   »   en To need – to want to

69 [oltmish toqqiz]

kerak - istayman

kerak - istayman

69 [sixty-nine]

To need – to want to

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (UK) O’ynang Ko’proq
menga toshak kerak I n-e--a ---. I n___ a b___ I n-e- a b-d- ------------- I need a bed. 0
Uxlagim kelyapti. I-wa-t--- s-e--. I w___ t_ s_____ I w-n- t- s-e-p- ---------------- I want to sleep. 0
bu yerda toshak bormi Is-ther- a -ed--er-? I_ t____ a b__ h____ I- t-e-e a b-d h-r-? -------------------- Is there a bed here? 0
menga chiroq kerak I -e---- lamp. I n___ a l____ I n-e- a l-m-. -------------- I need a lamp. 0
Men oqimoqchiman. I -a-- ----e-d. I w___ t_ r____ I w-n- t- r-a-. --------------- I want to read. 0
Bu yerda chiroq bormi? Is ther------m- -er-? I_ t____ a l___ h____ I- t-e-e a l-m- h-r-? --------------------- Is there a lamp here? 0
menga telefon kerak I ---d-- -e--p-o--. I n___ a t_________ I n-e- a t-l-p-o-e- ------------------- I need a telephone. 0
Men qongiroq qilmoqchiman. I--a-t--- -ake-a cal-. I w___ t_ m___ a c____ I w-n- t- m-k- a c-l-. ---------------------- I want to make a call. 0
Bu yerda telefon bormi? Is--h----- t-leph--- he--? I_ t____ a t________ h____ I- t-e-e a t-l-p-o-e h-r-? -------------------------- Is there a telephone here? 0
menga kamera kerak I need-- --m---. I n___ a c______ I n-e- a c-m-r-. ---------------- I need a camera. 0
Men suratga olmoqchiman. I --nt -o--------o--gr-ph-. I w___ t_ t___ p___________ I w-n- t- t-k- p-o-o-r-p-s- --------------------------- I want to take photographs. 0
Bu yerda kamera bormi? I- t-e-- a -a-er---e-e? I_ t____ a c_____ h____ I- t-e-e a c-m-r- h-r-? ----------------------- Is there a camera here? 0
menga kompyuter kerak I---ed-a co-pu---. I n___ a c________ I n-e- a c-m-u-e-. ------------------ I need a computer. 0
Men elektron pochta xabarini yubormoqchiman. I w-nt-t---en- an email. I w___ t_ s___ a_ e_____ I w-n- t- s-n- a- e-a-l- ------------------------ I want to send an email. 0
Bu yerda kompyuter bormi? Is------ a -ompu-e---ere? I_ t____ a c_______ h____ I- t-e-e a c-m-u-e- h-r-? ------------------------- Is there a computer here? 0
Menga ruchka kerak. I -e-d-- -e-. I n___ a p___ I n-e- a p-n- ------------- I need a pen. 0
Men nimadir yozmoqchiman. I wa---t--w-it- so--th-n-. I w___ t_ w____ s_________ I w-n- t- w-i-e s-m-t-i-g- -------------------------- I want to write something. 0
Bu yerda qog‘oz va qalam bormi? Is-th--e-a s-ee- ----aper-a---a -en h---? I_ t____ a s____ o_ p____ a__ a p__ h____ I- t-e-e a s-e-t o- p-p-r a-d a p-n h-r-? ----------------------------------------- Is there a sheet of paper and a pen here? 0


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