So’zlashuv kitobi

uz biror narsani xohlash   »   en To want something

71 [etmish bir]

biror narsani xohlash

biror narsani xohlash

71 [seventy-one]

To want something

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (UK) O’ynang Ko’proq
Nima xohlaysiz? What d- -ou --n- t- do? W___ d_ y__ w___ t_ d__ W-a- d- y-u w-n- t- d-? ----------------------- What do you want to do? 0
Futbol oynashni xohlaysizmi? Do yo--w-nt--o-pl---fo--ba-l-/-s---er------? D_ y__ w___ t_ p___ f_______ / s_____ (_____ D- y-u w-n- t- p-a- f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-)- -------------------------------------------- Do you want to play football / soccer (am.)? 0
Dostlarga tashrif buyurishni xohlaysizmi? Do---u--ant to -is-t--r-e--s? D_ y__ w___ t_ v____ f_______ D- y-u w-n- t- v-s-t f-i-n-s- ----------------------------- Do you want to visit friends? 0
istayman t- --nt t_ w___ t- w-n- ------- to want 0
Men kech qolishni xohlamayman. I do-’--wa-t -o--r-i-e -at-. I d____ w___ t_ a_____ l____ I d-n-t w-n- t- a-r-v- l-t-. ---------------------------- I don’t want to arrive late. 0
Men ketishni xohlamayman. I---n’t want--o go --ere. I d____ w___ t_ g_ t_____ I d-n-t w-n- t- g- t-e-e- ------------------------- I don’t want to go there. 0
Men uyga ketmoqchiman. I--an--to ---h-me. I w___ t_ g_ h____ I w-n- t- g- h-m-. ------------------ I want to go home. 0
Men uyda qolmoqchiman. I want----s----a---o--. I w___ t_ s___ a_ h____ I w-n- t- s-a- a- h-m-. ----------------------- I want to stay at home. 0
Men yolgiz qolishni istayman. I -ant to -e -----. I w___ t_ b_ a_____ I w-n- t- b- a-o-e- ------------------- I want to be alone. 0
Siz qolishni xohlaysizmi? D- yo- want-t- s--y---re? D_ y__ w___ t_ s___ h____ D- y-u w-n- t- s-a- h-r-? ------------------------- Do you want to stay here? 0
shu yerda ovqatlanmoqchimisiz Do-y-u-w--t--- -at he-e? D_ y__ w___ t_ e__ h____ D- y-u w-n- t- e-t h-r-? ------------------------ Do you want to eat here? 0
shu yerda uxlashni xohlaysizmi Do-y-u----t-t- s-e-p he-e? D_ y__ w___ t_ s____ h____ D- y-u w-n- t- s-e-p h-r-? -------------------------- Do you want to sleep here? 0
Ertaga ketmoqchimisiz? Do you-want--o --a---to---r-w? D_ y__ w___ t_ l____ t________ D- y-u w-n- t- l-a-e t-m-r-o-? ------------------------------ Do you want to leave tomorrow? 0
Ertaga qolmoqchimisiz? D---ou--an- ----t-- -i---t---rr--? D_ y__ w___ t_ s___ t___ t________ D- y-u w-n- t- s-a- t-l- t-m-r-o-? ---------------------------------- Do you want to stay till tomorrow? 0
Ertaga tolashni xohlaysizmi? D- y---w--t-t------the -il- ---y--------w? D_ y__ w___ t_ p__ t__ b___ o___ t________ D- y-u w-n- t- p-y t-e b-l- o-l- t-m-r-o-? ------------------------------------------ Do you want to pay the bill only tomorrow? 0
Diskotekaga borishni xohlaysizmi? Do --u-want t---o to---e--i---? D_ y__ w___ t_ g_ t_ t__ d_____ D- y-u w-n- t- g- t- t-e d-s-o- ------------------------------- Do you want to go to the disco? 0
Kinoga bormoqchimisiz? D--y-- -ant to go -- th--------? D_ y__ w___ t_ g_ t_ t__ c______ D- y-u w-n- t- g- t- t-e c-n-m-? -------------------------------- Do you want to go to the cinema? 0
Kafega bormoqchimisiz? D- --u-wa-t--o--- t--- ---é? D_ y__ w___ t_ g_ t_ a c____ D- y-u w-n- t- g- t- a c-f-? ---------------------------- Do you want to go to a café? 0


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