So’zlashuv kitobi

uz Adjectives 2   »   em Adjectives 2

79 [etmish toqqiz]

Adjectives 2

Adjectives 2

79 [seventy-nine]

Adjectives 2

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
Men kok koylak kiyaman. I am---aring---blu-----ss. I am wearing a blue dress. I a- w-a-i-g a b-u- d-e-s- -------------------------- I am wearing a blue dress. 0
Men qizil koylak kiyaman. I--m--e----- a r-d ---ss. I am wearing a red dress. I a- w-a-i-g a r-d d-e-s- ------------------------- I am wearing a red dress. 0
Men yashil libosdaman. I am-wea-ing a ----n-dre-s. I am wearing a green dress. I a- w-a-i-g a g-e-n d-e-s- --------------------------- I am wearing a green dress. 0
Men qora sumka sotib olaman. I-m b---ng-a--l-ck-bag. I’m buying a black bag. I-m b-y-n- a b-a-k b-g- ----------------------- I’m buying a black bag. 0
Men jigarrang sumka sotib olaman. I’- b-y-n- a b-o-n-ba-. I’m buying a brown bag. I-m b-y-n- a b-o-n b-g- ----------------------- I’m buying a brown bag. 0
Men oq sumka sotib olaman. I’m-b---n- - wh----ba-. I’m buying a white bag. I-m b-y-n- a w-i-e b-g- ----------------------- I’m buying a white bag. 0
Menga yangi mashina kerak. I-need - n-- --r. I need a new car. I n-e- a n-w c-r- ----------------- I need a new car. 0
Menga tez mashina kerak. I nee-----a------. I need a fast car. I n-e- a f-s- c-r- ------------------ I need a fast car. 0
Menga qulay mashina kerak. I -----a-c--fo-t-b-e -a-. I need a comfortable car. I n-e- a c-m-o-t-b-e c-r- ------------------------- I need a comfortable car. 0
U yerda bir kampir yashaydi. An-o-d---dy----es--t t-e-t--. An old lady lives at the top. A- o-d l-d- l-v-s a- t-e t-p- ----------------------------- An old lady lives at the top. 0
U yerda semiz ayol yashaydi. A---- lady l---- a- th--to-. A fat lady lives at the top. A f-t l-d- l-v-s a- t-e t-p- ---------------------------- A fat lady lives at the top. 0
U erda qiziq bir ayol yashaydi. A-c---------dy -------e-o-. A curious lady lives below. A c-r-o-s l-d- l-v-s b-l-w- --------------------------- A curious lady lives below. 0
Mehmonlarimiz yaxshi odamlar edi. O-r---e-t- -e-e-n----p--p--. Our guests were nice people. O-r g-e-t- w-r- n-c- p-o-l-. ---------------------------- Our guests were nice people. 0
Mehmonlarimiz odobli odamlar edi. Our -u-----w----polite--eo---. Our guests were polite people. O-r g-e-t- w-r- p-l-t- p-o-l-. ------------------------------ Our guests were polite people. 0
Bizning mehmonlarimiz qiziqarli odamlar edi. O-- --es-s-------n--re-t-ng p-op-e. Our guests were interesting people. O-r g-e-t- w-r- i-t-r-s-i-g p-o-l-. ----------------------------------- Our guests were interesting people. 0
Men bolalarni yaxshi koraman. I--ave----e-y -h-l--en. I have lovely children. I h-v- l-v-l- c-i-d-e-. ----------------------- I have lovely children. 0
Lekin qo‘shnilarning yaramas bolalari bor. B-- t-e ne-ghb-u-s ---e----gh-y ---l-re-. But the neighbours have naughty children. B-t t-e n-i-h-o-r- h-v- n-u-h-y c-i-d-e-. ----------------------------------------- But the neighbours have naughty children. 0
Farzandlaringiz yaxshimi? A-e-y-ur c--l-----well---ha-ed? Are your children well behaved? A-e y-u- c-i-d-e- w-l- b-h-v-d- ------------------------------- Are your children well behaved? 0


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