So’zlashuv kitobi

uz otgan 2   »   en Past tense 2

82 [sakson ikki]

otgan 2

otgan 2

82 [eighty-two]

Past tense 2

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (UK) O’ynang Ko’proq
Tez yordam chaqirishingiz kerak edimi? D-d yo- --ve -o ca-l-an-a-bul-n-e? D__ y__ h___ t_ c___ a_ a_________ D-d y-u h-v- t- c-l- a- a-b-l-n-e- ---------------------------------- Did you have to call an ambulance? 0
Siz shifokorni chaqirishingiz kerak edimi? Di- -----a-e to-c-l--th- d-ctor? D__ y__ h___ t_ c___ t__ d______ D-d y-u h-v- t- c-l- t-e d-c-o-? -------------------------------- Did you have to call the doctor? 0
Politsiyani chaqirish kerakmidi? D-- yo----------ca-- th----li--? D__ y__ h___ t_ c___ t__ p______ D-d y-u h-v- t- c-l- t-e p-l-c-? -------------------------------- Did you have to call the police? 0
telefon nomeringiz bormi Menda ular bor edi. Do-you--a-e -------e--one n------ ----d--- j--t-n-w. D_ y__ h___ t__ t________ n______ I h__ i_ j___ n___ D- y-u h-v- t-e t-l-p-o-e n-m-e-? I h-d i- j-s- n-w- ---------------------------------------------------- Do you have the telephone number? I had it just now. 0
Manzil bormi? Menda ular bor edi. D- --u-h--e--he-a-d------I ha- -t----t-n--. D_ y__ h___ t__ a_______ I h__ i_ j___ n___ D- y-u h-v- t-e a-d-e-s- I h-d i- j-s- n-w- ------------------------------------------- Do you have the address? I had it just now. 0
Sizda shahar xaritasi bormi? Menda shunchaki bor edi. D- y-u-h----the--it- m------h-d--t j-st-now. D_ y__ h___ t__ c___ m___ I h__ i_ j___ n___ D- y-u h-v- t-e c-t- m-p- I h-d i- j-s- n-w- -------------------------------------------- Do you have the city map? I had it just now. 0
U oz vaqtida keldimi? U oz vaqtida kela olmadi. D-d-he --m- -n-time- He--o--- no- ---e ---ti-e. D__ h_ c___ o_ t____ H_ c____ n__ c___ o_ t____ D-d h- c-m- o- t-m-? H- c-u-d n-t c-m- o- t-m-. ----------------------------------------------- Did he come on time? He could not come on time. 0
U yolni topdimi? U yol topa olmadi. Did h- -i----h----y---- c---- -ot-f-nd-t---w--. D__ h_ f___ t__ w___ H_ c____ n__ f___ t__ w___ D-d h- f-n- t-e w-y- H- c-u-d n-t f-n- t-e w-y- ----------------------------------------------- Did he find the way? He could not find the way. 0
u sizni tushundimi U meni tushunolmadi. D-d--- u-dersta-d y--- H- ---ld-not----ers-and-m-. D__ h_ u_________ y___ H_ c____ n__ u_________ m__ D-d h- u-d-r-t-n- y-u- H- c-u-d n-t u-d-r-t-n- m-. -------------------------------------------------- Did he understand you? He could not understand me. 0
Nega oz vaqtida kela olmadingiz? W-- c-ul- y---n-t--o-e--- ti--? W__ c____ y__ n__ c___ o_ t____ W-y c-u-d y-u n-t c-m- o- t-m-? ------------------------------- Why could you not come on time? 0
Nega yolni topa olmadingiz? W---c--l---ou-not-find the--a-? W__ c____ y__ n__ f___ t__ w___ W-y c-u-d y-u n-t f-n- t-e w-y- ------------------------------- Why could you not find the way? 0
Nega uni tushunolmading? W-- -ould-yo----- un------n---i-? W__ c____ y__ n__ u_________ h___ W-y c-u-d y-u n-t u-d-r-t-n- h-m- --------------------------------- Why could you not understand him? 0
Avtobus yo‘qligi uchun o‘z vaqtida kela olmadim. I--ou---no- -ome-o-------b--aus---here--er- no--u--s. I c____ n__ c___ o_ t___ b______ t____ w___ n_ b_____ I c-u-d n-t c-m- o- t-m- b-c-u-e t-e-e w-r- n- b-s-s- ----------------------------------------------------- I could not come on time because there were no buses. 0
Men yo‘l topa olmadim, chunki menda xarita yo‘q edi. I co--d--o---in--t-e---y-b---us--- -ad no---t- ma-. I c____ n__ f___ t__ w__ b______ I h__ n_ c___ m___ I c-u-d n-t f-n- t-e w-y b-c-u-e I h-d n- c-t- m-p- --------------------------------------------------- I could not find the way because I had no city map. 0
Men uni tushunolmadim, chunki musiqa juda baland edi. I---------t--nder----- hi- b-ca-s- t-- musi- -a--so-loud. I c____ n__ u_________ h__ b______ t__ m____ w__ s_ l____ I c-u-d n-t u-d-r-t-n- h-m b-c-u-e t-e m-s-c w-s s- l-u-. --------------------------------------------------------- I could not understand him because the music was so loud. 0
Men taksi olishim kerak edi. I-ha- to --ke----a--. I h__ t_ t___ a t____ I h-d t- t-k- a t-x-. --------------------- I had to take a taxi. 0
Men shahar xaritasini sotib olishim kerak edi. I had--o--u--a-city m-p. I h__ t_ b__ a c___ m___ I h-d t- b-y a c-t- m-p- ------------------------ I had to buy a city map. 0
Men radioni ochirishga majbur boldim. I-had-t--s-i-ch o---------dio. I h__ t_ s_____ o__ t__ r_____ I h-d t- s-i-c- o-f t-e r-d-o- ------------------------------ I had to switch off the radio. 0


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