So’zlashuv kitobi

uz otgan 3   »   em Past tense 3

83 [sakson uch]

otgan 3

otgan 3

83 [eighty-three]

Past tense 3

Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
qongiroq qiling to-m----a call t_ m___ a c___ t- m-k- a c-l- -------------- to make a call 0
Men telefon qildim. I ---e --cal-. I m___ a c____ I m-d- a c-l-. -------------- I made a call. 0
Men doim telefonda edim. I w-s t-l--n--on---- ph-n---ll t-e -i-e. I w__ t______ o_ t__ p____ a__ t__ t____ I w-s t-l-i-g o- t-e p-o-e a-l t-e t-m-. ---------------------------------------- I was talking on the phone all the time. 0
sorang to--sk t_ a__ t- a-k ------ to ask 0
Men soradim. I as--d. I a_____ I a-k-d- -------- I asked. 0
Men har doim soradim. I al---s-ask--. I a_____ a_____ I a-w-y- a-k-d- --------------- I always asked. 0
ayt to---r--te t_ n______ t- n-r-a-e ---------- to narrate 0
Men aytdim. I ------e-. I n________ I n-r-a-e-. ----------- I narrated. 0
Men butun voqeani aytib berdim. I n--rat---th------e -to-y. I n_______ t__ w____ s_____ I n-r-a-e- t-e w-o-e s-o-y- --------------------------- I narrated the whole story. 0
organish t----u-y t_ s____ t- s-u-y -------- to study 0
Men organdim. I -tudi--. I s_______ I s-u-i-d- ---------- I studied. 0
Kechqurun o‘qidim. I-stu-ie-------h-le--ven--g. I s______ t__ w____ e_______ I s-u-i-d t-e w-o-e e-e-i-g- ---------------------------- I studied the whole evening. 0
ish t---ork t_ w___ t- w-r- ------- to work 0
Men ishladim. I worked. I w______ I w-r-e-. --------- I worked. 0
Men kun boyi ishladim. I --rk-d--ll--a----ng. I w_____ a__ d__ l____ I w-r-e- a-l d-y l-n-. ---------------------- I worked all day long. 0
ovqat t- eat t_ e__ t- e-t ------ to eat 0
Men yedim. I-at-. I a___ I a-e- ------ I ate. 0
Men hamma ovqatni yedim. I -te a-- t-e-f--d. I a__ a__ t__ f____ I a-e a-l t-e f-o-. ------------------- I ate all the food. 0


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