Test 16

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. djed
grandfather   See hint
2. Devet. Deveti.
Nine. ninth.   See hint
3. Sunce je žuto.
The sun yellow.   See hint
4. Imaš li otvarač za boce?
Do you a bottle opener?   See hint
5. Napravite obilazak luke.
Go a harbour / harbor (am.) tour.   See hint
6. Htio / htjela bih sladoled s vrhnjem.
I would an ice cream with whipped cream.   See hint
7. trideset i sedam
8. Mora li se platiti ulaz?
Does one to pay an entrance fee?   See hint
9. Nije li opasno tamo se kupati?
Isn’t it to swim there?   See hint
10. Tražim fotografsku radnju.
I’m looking a photo equipment store.   See hint