Test 66

Time spent on test::

Fri Sep 27, 2024


Click on a word
1. Countries and Languages
ቋንቋታትን   See hint
2. Who is that?
መን እዚ?   See hint
3. It is sunny.
ጸሓይ   See hint
4. Where did you learn Spanish?
ስፓኛ ተማሂርኩም?   See hint
5. The TV isn’t working.
እቲ ተለቪዦን ኢዩ ።   See hint
6. I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.
ኣነ ኮፐንሃገን መምለሲ ትኬት ጥራይ እየ ዝደሊ።   See hint
7. Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?
ምሳኹም ኣለኩም ዶ?   See hint
8. At the cinema
ሲነማ   See hint
9. I am getting out of the water now.
ሕጂ ማይ ክወጽእ እየ።   See hint
10. I have a doctor’s appointment.
ኣብ ቆጸራ ኣሎኒ።   See hint