
en Going out in the evening   »   ps د ماښام بهر ته تلل

44 [forty-four]

Going out in the evening

Going out in the evening

44 [ څلور څلوېښت ]

44 [ څلور څلوېښت ]

د ماښام بهر ته تلل

[d māǩām bar ta tll]

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Is there a disco here? ا-ا د-----و-ډی-----ته؟ ا__ د___ ی_ ډ____ ش___ ا-ا د-ت- ی- ډ-س-و ش-ه- ---------------------- ایا دلته یو ډیسکو شته؟ 0
āyā---ta--o --s-o---a ā__ d___ y_ ḏ____ š__ ā-ā d-t- y- ḏ-s-o š-a --------------------- āyā dlta yo ḏysko šta
Is there a nightclub here? آ-ا--لت- د شپې --ب---ه؟ آ__ د___ د ش__ ک__ ش___ آ-ا د-ت- د ش-ې ک-ب ش-ه- ----------------------- آیا دلته د شپې کلب شته؟ 0
آ-ا -لته-د ش-ې ک---شته؟ آ__ د___ د ش__ ک__ ش___ آ-ا د-ت- د ش-ې ک-ب ش-ه- ----------------------- آیا دلته د شپې کلب شته؟
Is there a pub here? ای--د--ه یو----ش-ه؟ ا__ د___ ی_ پ_ ش___ ا-ا د-ت- ی- پ- ش-ه- ------------------- ایا دلته یو پب شته؟ 0
ā-ā----- -o pb-š-a ā__ d___ y_ p_ š__ ā-ā d-t- y- p- š-a ------------------ āyā dlta yo pb šta
What’s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening? ن---پ--په ت--ت- -- -ه د-؟ ن_ ش__ پ_ ت____ ک_ څ_ د__ ن- ش-ه پ- ت-ا-ر ک- څ- د-؟ ------------------------- نن شپه په تیاتر کې څه دي؟ 0
نن-شپه-په --ا----ې--ه د-؟ ن_ ش__ پ_ ت____ ک_ څ_ د__ ن- ش-ه پ- ت-ا-ر ک- څ- د-؟ ------------------------- نن شپه په تیاتر کې څه دي؟
What’s playing at the cinema / movies (am.) this evening? نن-ش---پ--س-نم- -ې ----ي؟ ن_ ش__ پ_ س____ ک_ څ_ د__ ن- ش-ه پ- س-ن-ا ک- څ- د-؟ ------------------------- نن شپه په سینما کې څه دي؟ 0
ن- --ه-په -ی--ا--ې څه-د-؟ ن_ ش__ پ_ س____ ک_ څ_ د__ ن- ش-ه پ- س-ن-ا ک- څ- د-؟ ------------------------- نن شپه په سینما کې څه دي؟
What’s on TV this evening? ن--شپ--پ- تلوی-----کې -- دي؟ ن_ ش__ پ_ ت_______ ک_ څ_ د__ ن- ش-ه پ- ت-و-ز-و- ک- څ- د-؟ ---------------------------- نن شپه په تلویزیون کې څه دي؟ 0
ن--شپه-په تل-ی-یو- ک- څ- -ي؟ ن_ ش__ پ_ ت_______ ک_ څ_ د__ ن- ش-ه پ- ت-و-ز-و- ک- څ- د-؟ ---------------------------- نن شپه په تلویزیون کې څه دي؟
Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still available? ایا-د--یا-- -پ--ه-نور ټکټونه--ته؟ ا__ د ت____ ل____ ن__ ټ_____ ش___ ا-ا د ت-ا-ر ل-ا-ه ن-ر ټ-ټ-ن- ش-ه- --------------------------------- ایا د تیاتر لپاره نور ټکټونه شته؟ 0
ā-ā --t-ā-r-lp--- no- ṯ--ona-š-a ā__ d t____ l____ n__ ṯ_____ š__ ā-ā d t-ā-r l-ā-a n-r ṯ-ṯ-n- š-a -------------------------------- āyā d tyātr lpāra nor ṯkṯona šta
Are tickets for the cinema / movies (am.) still available? ا---د--ی--ا ----ه-نو---کټ-نه--ت-؟ ا__ د س____ ل____ ن__ ټ_____ ش___ ا-ا د س-ن-ا ل-ا-ه ن-ر ټ-ټ-ن- ش-ه- --------------------------------- ایا د سینما لپاره نور ټکټونه شته؟ 0
ā-- d synm---p-r----r -k--n- --a ā__ d s____ l____ n__ ṯ_____ š__ ā-ā d s-n-ā l-ā-a n-r ṯ-ṯ-n- š-a -------------------------------- āyā d synmā lpāra nor ṯkṯona šta
Are tickets for the football / soccer am. game still available? ای--د--وټب-ل -وبې ---ره--و- -کټون--شته؟ ا__ د ف_____ ل___ ل____ ن__ ټ_____ ش___ ا-ا د ف-ټ-ا- ل-ب- ل-ا-ه ن-ر ټ-ټ-ن- ش-ه- --------------------------------------- ایا د فوټبال لوبې لپاره نور ټکټونه شته؟ 0
āyā d f---āl---b--l---a --- --ṯo-- šta ā__ d f_____ l___ l____ n__ ṯ_____ š__ ā-ā d f-ṯ-ā- l-b- l-ā-a n-r ṯ-ṯ-n- š-a -------------------------------------- āyā d foṯbāl lobê lpāra nor ṯkṯona šta
I want to sit in the back. ز------م--ۍ -ات---ښ--م ز_ غ____ چ_ ش___ ک____ ز- غ-ا-م چ- ش-ت- ک-ې-م ---------------------- زه غواړم چۍ شاته کښېنم 0
z- -------ê- -āt--kǩênm z_ ǧ____ ç__ š___ k____ z- ǧ-ā-m ç-y š-t- k-ê-m ----------------------- za ǧoāṟm çêy šāta kǩênm
I want to sit somewhere in the middle. ز- غوا-م--ه-من- ک- --رته کښېن-. ز_ غ____ پ_ م__ ک_ چ____ ک_____ ز- غ-ا-م پ- م-ځ ک- چ-ر-ه ک-ې-م- ------------------------------- زه غواړم په منځ کې چېرته کښېنم. 0
z--ǧoāṟm p- m--z -- --r-a k-ênm z_ ǧ____ p_ m___ k_ ç____ k____ z- ǧ-ā-m p- m-d- k- ç-r-a k-ê-m ------------------------------- za ǧoāṟm pa mndz kê çêrta kǩênm
I want to sit at the front. زه --ا-م -خ-ت- ----ښې-م. ز_ غ____ م_ ت_ ک_ ک_____ ز- غ-ا-م م- ت- ک- ک-ې-م- ------------------------ زه غواړم مخ ته کې کښېنم. 0
za-ǧoā-- m- ta kê--ǩênm z_ ǧ____ m_ t_ k_ k____ z- ǧ-ā-m m- t- k- k-ê-m ----------------------- za ǧoāṟm mǩ ta kê kǩênm
Could you recommend something? ا-ا -ا-و -ا-ت--مش-ره -- -----ش-؟ ا__ ت___ م_ ت_ م____ ر_ ک___ ش__ ا-ا ت-س- م- ت- م-و-ه ر- ک-ل- ش-؟ -------------------------------- ایا تاسو ما ته مشوره را کولی شئ؟ 0
āy- t--o-m- t- mšo-- rā--ol--š ā__ t___ m_ t_ m____ r_ k___ š ā-ā t-s- m- t- m-o-a r- k-l- š ------------------------------ āyā tāso mā ta mšora rā koly š
When does the show begin? ش---- -وم و-ت-کې --و- کیږ-؟ ش_ پ_ ک__ و__ ک_ ش___ ک____ ش- پ- ک-م و-ت ک- ش-و- ک-ږ-؟ --------------------------- شو په کوم وخت کې شروع کیږی؟ 0
šo-----o- -ǩ- -- š-o- k-gy š_ p_ k__ o__ k_ š___ k___ š- p- k-m o-t k- š-o- k-g- -------------------------- šo pa kom oǩt kê šroa kygy
Can you get me a ticket? ا---تاس--مات- ی- --رت--رل-سه کولی--ئ؟ ا__ ت___ م___ ی_ ک___ ت_____ ک___ ش__ ا-ا ت-س- م-ت- ی- ک-ر- ت-ل-س- ک-ل- ش-؟ ------------------------------------- ایا تاسو ماته یو کارت ترلاسه کولی شئ؟ 0
ا-ا--اسو--ا-- یو-ک-رت ت---سه-کو-ی ش-؟ ا__ ت___ م___ ی_ ک___ ت_____ ک___ ش__ ا-ا ت-س- م-ت- ی- ک-ر- ت-ل-س- ک-ل- ش-؟ ------------------------------------- ایا تاسو ماته یو کارت ترلاسه کولی شئ؟
Is there a golf course nearby? ایا--ل-ه-ن-د- د---لف کو-- ---؟ ا__ د___ ن___ د ګ___ ک___ ش___ ا-ا د-ت- ن-د- د ګ-ل- ک-ر- ش-ه- ------------------------------ ایا دلته نږدې د ګالف کورس شته؟ 0
āy- d--a-ng-- d----f kor- šta ā__ d___ n___ d g___ k___ š__ ā-ā d-t- n-d- d g-l- k-r- š-a ----------------------------- āyā dlta ngdê d gālf kors šta
Is there a tennis court nearby? ای--د-ت- ---- - -ی-س -ح-مه شت-؟ ا__ د___ ن___ د ټ___ م____ ش___ ا-ا د-ت- ن-د- د ټ-ن- م-ک-ه ش-ه- ------------------------------- ایا دلته نږدې د ټینس محکمه شته؟ 0
ā-ā--lt----d--d ṯ-ns-mḩ-ma š-a ā__ d___ n___ d ṯ___ m____ š__ ā-ā d-t- n-d- d ṯ-n- m-k-a š-a ------------------------------ āyā dlta ngdê d ṯyns mḩkma šta
Is there an indoor swimming pool nearby? ا-ا------نږدې-- کور ---ه-ح-ض-ش--؟ ا__ د___ ن___ د ک__ د___ ح__ ش___ ا-ا د-ت- ن-د- د ک-ر د-ن- ح-ض ش-ه- --------------------------------- ایا دلته نږدې د کور دننه حوض شته؟ 0
ā-- dl-a---d--- -o--dn-a-ḩo----a ā__ d___ n___ d k__ d___ ḩ__ š__ ā-ā d-t- n-d- d k-r d-n- ḩ-z š-a -------------------------------- āyā dlta ngdê d kor dnna ḩoz šta

The Maltese language

Many Europeans who want to improve their English travel to Malta. This is because English is the official language in the European island country. And Malta is known for its many language schools. But this isn't what makes the country interesting to linguists. They are interested in Malta for another reason. The Republic of Malta has another official language: Maltese (or Malti). This language developed from an Arabic dialect. With that, Malti is the only Semitic language of Europe. The syntax and phonology are different from that of Arabic, however. Maltese is also written in Latin letters. The alphabet contains a few special characters, however. And the letters c and y are completely absent. The vocabulary contains elements from many different languages. Aside from Arabic, Italian and English are among the influential languages. But Phoenicians and Carthaginians influenced the language as well. Therefore, some researchers consider Malti an Arabic Creole language. Throughout its history, Malta was occupied by various powers. All of them left their marks on the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino. For a very long time, Malti was only a local vernacular. But it always remained the native language of the ‘real’ Maltese. It too was exclusively orally passed down. Not until the 19th century did people begin to write in the language. Today the number of speakers is estimated at around 330,000. Malta has been a member of the European Union since 2004. With that, Malti is also one of the official European languages. But for the Maltese the language is simply a part of their culture. And they are pleased when foreigners want to learn Malti. There are definitely enough language schools in Malta…
Did you know?
Tamil is counted among the Dravidian languages. It is the native language of around 70 million people. It is primarily spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka. Tamil has the longest tradition of all modern Indian languages. It is therefore recognized as an ancient language in India. It is also one of the 22 official languages of the Indian subcontinent. The standard language is very different from the vernacular. Therefore, a different version of the language is used depending on the context of the situation. This strict separation is an important feature of Tamil. Many dialects are also typical for the language. Generally speaking, the dialects spoken in Sri Lanka are more conservative. Tamil is written with its own hybrid of an alphabet and syllabic writing. No one knows how exactly Tamil came to be. It is certain, however, that the language is more than 2000 years old. Thus, whoever learns Tamil learns a lot about India!