
en Parts of the body   »   ps د بدن برخې

58 [fifty-eight]

Parts of the body

Parts of the body

58 [ اته پنځوس ]

58 [ اته پنځوس ]

د بدن برخې

[د بدن برخې]

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I am drawing a man. ز--د--و-س-ی --- ج--وم. ز_ د ی_ س__ ع__ ج_____ ز- د ی- س-ی ع-س ج-ړ-م- ---------------------- زه د یو سړی عکس جوړوم. 0
z- d--o--ṟy-aks joṟom z_ d y_ s__ a__ j____ z- d y- s-y a-s j-ṟ-m --------------------- za d yo sṟy aks joṟom
First the head. لومړی-س-. ل____ س__ ل-م-ی س-. --------- لومړی سر. 0
لومړ---ر. ل____ س__ ل-م-ی س-. --------- لومړی سر.
The man is wearing a hat. سړي----ۍ ا-و-تې---. س__ خ___ ا_____ د__ س-ي خ-ل- ا-و-ت- د-. ------------------- سړي خولۍ اغوستې ده. 0
س-- ---ۍ -غوس-ې--ه. س__ خ___ ا_____ د__ س-ي خ-ل- ا-و-ت- د-. ------------------- سړي خولۍ اغوستې ده.
One cannot see the hair. و-ښ-ان--شي-----ی. و_____ ن__ ل_____ و-ښ-ا- ن-ي ل-د-ی- ----------------- ویښتان نشي لیدلی. 0
o--t-n-n--y --d-y o_____ n___ l____ o-ǩ-ā- n-ê- l-d-y ----------------- oyǩtān nšêy lydly
One cannot see the ears either. غ--و-- -م--ش- لی--ی. غ_____ ه_ ن__ ل_____ غ-ږ-ن- ه- ن-ي ل-د-ی- -------------------- غوږونه هم نشي لیدلی. 0
ǧ-gona ---nš-- l---y ǧ_____ a_ n___ l____ ǧ-g-n- a- n-ê- l-d-y -------------------- ǧogona am nšêy lydly
One cannot see his back either. شا--- نه--ئ --دلی. ش_ ه_ ن_ ش_ ل_____ ش- ه- ن- ش- ل-د-ی- ------------------- شا هم نه شئ لیدلی. 0
š- -m n--š--y--y š_ a_ n_ š l____ š- a- n- š l-d-y ----------------- šā am na š lydly
I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. زه ---ګ- -و-خول--بندو-. ز_ س____ ا_ خ___ ب_____ ز- س-ر-ې ا- خ-ل- ب-د-م- ----------------------- زه سترګې او خوله بندوم. 0
z- str-ê ā- -ola bn-om z_ s____ ā_ ǩ___ b____ z- s-r-ê ā- ǩ-l- b-d-m ---------------------- za strgê āo ǩola bndom
The man is dancing and laughing. سړ----- --- -- خ--ا -و-. س__ ن__ ک__ ا_ خ___ ک___ س-ی ن-ا ک-ي ا- خ-د- ک-ي- ------------------------ سړی نڅا کوي او خندا کوي. 0
س-ی نڅ------او--------ي. س__ ن__ ک__ ا_ خ___ ک___ س-ی ن-ا ک-ي ا- خ-د- ک-ي- ------------------------ سړی نڅا کوي او خندا کوي.
The man has a long nose. س-- -و-ده -زه---ي. س__ ا____ پ__ ل___ س-ی ا-ږ-ه پ-ه ل-ي- ------------------ سړی اوږده پزه لري. 0
س-ی --ږده پ-- ---. س__ ا____ پ__ ل___ س-ی ا-ږ-ه پ-ه ل-ي- ------------------ سړی اوږده پزه لري.
He is carrying a cane in his hands. هغ---ه لاس-ن- کې ل-ګی ---. ه__ پ_ ل_____ ک_ ل___ ل___ ه-ه پ- ل-س-ن- ک- ل-ګ- ل-ي- -------------------------- هغه په لاسونو کې لرګی لري. 0
aǧ- p---āso-- -ê-lr---l--y a__ p_ l_____ k_ l___ l___ a-a p- l-s-n- k- l-g- l-ê- -------------------------- aǧa pa lāsono kê lrgy lrêy
He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. هغه په --ړه------ل--غ---ی. ه__ پ_ غ___ ک_ ش__ ا______ ه-ه پ- غ-ړ- ک- ش-ل ا-و-ت-. -------------------------- هغه په غاړه کې شال اغوستی. 0
a-a -- --ṟ--kê -ā- -ǧ--ty a__ p_ ǧ___ k_ š__ ā_____ a-a p- ǧ-ṟ- k- š-l ā-o-t- ------------------------- aǧa pa ǧāṟa kê šāl āǧosty
It is winter and it is cold. ژ-ی--ی ---ساړه --. ژ__ د_ ا_ س___ د__ ژ-ی د- ا- س-ړ- د-. ------------------ ژمی دی او ساړه ده. 0
ژ-- -ی-او----ه---. ژ__ د_ ا_ س___ د__ ژ-ی د- ا- س-ړ- د-. ------------------ ژمی دی او ساړه ده.
The arms are athletic. لاس-ن----- د-. ل_____ ق__ د__ ل-س-ن- ق-ي د-. -------------- لاسونه قوي دي. 0
ل----ه-قو- --. ل_____ ق__ د__ ل-س-ن- ق-ي د-. -------------- لاسونه قوي دي.
The legs are also athletic. پ-ې--م--وي-د-. پ__ ه_ ق__ د__ پ-ې ه- ق-ي د-. -------------- پښې هم قوي دي. 0
پ-ې-هم-قو- دي. پ__ ه_ ق__ د__ پ-ې ه- ق-ي د-. -------------- پښې هم قوي دي.
The man is made of snow. سړ---ه ---ر- جو- -ی. س__ ل_ و____ ج__ د__ س-ی ل- و-و-و ج-ړ د-. -------------------- سړی له واورو جوړ دی. 0
سړ-------ورو--و- دی. س__ ل_ و____ ج__ د__ س-ی ل- و-و-و ج-ړ د-. -------------------- سړی له واورو جوړ دی.
He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. ه----------ن-ا-ون-ي -و ن- ک-ټ. ه__ ن_ پ____ ا_____ ا_ ن_ ک___ ه-ه ن- پ-ل-ن ا-و-د- ا- ن- ک-ټ- ------------------------------ هغه نه پتلون اغوندي او نه کوټ. 0
ه----- --ل-- ا----ي -و نه--وټ. ه__ ن_ پ____ ا_____ ا_ ن_ ک___ ه-ه ن- پ-ل-ن ا-و-د- ا- ن- ک-ټ- ------------------------------ هغه نه پتلون اغوندي او نه کوټ.
But the man is not freezing. خو س-ی سړ- ن- دی. خ_ س__ س__ ن_ د__ خ- س-ی س-ه ن- د-. ----------------- خو سړی سړه نه دی. 0
خو ----س---ن--دی. خ_ س__ س__ ن_ د__ خ- س-ی س-ه ن- د-. ----------------- خو سړی سړه نه دی.
He is a snowman. ه---- وا-ر- س-ی --. ه__ د و____ س__ د__ ه-ه د و-و-ه س-ی د-. ------------------- هغه د واوره سړی دی. 0
a-a - o--r- sṟ- -y a__ d o____ s__ d_ a-a d o-o-a s-y d- ------------------ aǧa d oāora sṟy dy

The language of our ancestors

Modern languages can be analyzed by linguists. Various methods are used to do so. But how did people speak thousands of years ago? It is much more difficult to answer this question. Despite this, scientists have been busy researching for years. They would like to explore how people spoke earlier. In order to do this, they attempt to reconstruct ancient speech forms. American scientists have now made an exciting discovery. They analyzed more than 2,000 languages. In particular they analyzed the sentence structure of the languages. The results of their study were very interesting. About half of the languages had the S-O-V sentence structure. That is to say, the sentences are ordered by subject, object and verb. More than 700 languages follow the pattern S-V-O. And about 160 languages operate according to the V-S-O system. Only about 40 languages use the V-O-S pattern. 120 languages display a hybrid. On the other hand, O-V-S and O-S-V are distinctly rarer systems. The majority of the analyzed languages use the S-O-V principle. Persian, Japanese and Turkish are some examples. Most living languages follow the S-V-O pattern, however. This sentence structure dominates the Indo-European language family today. Researchers believe that the S-O-V model was used earlier. All languages are based on this system. But then the languages diverged. We don't yet know how that happened. However, the variation of sentence structures must have had a reason. Because in evolution, only that which has an advantage prevails…